Michael Jordon Victim of Cigar Facists

Michael Jordan has been told to can his butt if he wants to continue to be part of the United States’ Presidents Cup team that will take on the Internationals at Harding Park Golf Course this week.

After seeing a picture of Jordan puffing on a cigar in Tuesday’s San Francisco Examiner, city officials asked the PGA Tour to remind the basketball Hall of Famer there is no smoking allowed on public golf courses, including Harding Park.

Like many of us golfers, Jordon has learned that enjoying a fine cigar or two during a round of golf is a great way to relax.  But the smoking facists in San Francisco could fine Jordan $100 if he is again seen smoking on the course. 

Jordan will no doubt be diplomatic and pass on the cigars, but if I were him I would send the City a check for $200 with a note stating this is payment in advance for the two cigars he intends to smoke during the tournement.

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