Alec Bradley Medalist Churchill Cigar Review

If you haven’t yet discovered, you should probably leave it that way. I usually have a tab on my browser open to CigarMonster. It’s a cool hourly timer, with a demonic laugh playing at the top of every hour when Famous Smoke Shop offers a new deal for that hour.

Problem is, I always feel compelled to check out the deal and end up ordering waaaaay too often. (Damn you, FSS.)

One such order was a box of Alec Bradley Medalist Churchills. I’d never smoked one, so what the hell am I doing committing to a box of ten? Because it was $20 for a box of ten!

In this case my impetuous nature really paid off. I fired one up with a couple of friends on the Lido deck. It has a dark, oily wrapper and I was immediately impressed with the complex taste. It stayed consistent to the end with a strong but not harsh finish.

I’m giving this one a 9.3 on The Morris Scale, but rating it as a $2 cigar, it’s off the scale.

One Response to “Alec Bradley Medalist Churchill Cigar Review”

  1. Sounds interesting. I’m a big fan of AB but haven’t seen this one on any shelves. I guess I need to find some!

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