Jubel 2010 Once a Decade Ale Beer Review

Beer Review Jubel 2010 Once in a Decade Ale

Jubel 2010 Once a Decade Ale

This waxed beauty from Bend, Oregon’s Deschutes Brewery has been sitting in my fridge since, well, 2010. It’s about a $13 bottle of beer so I suppose I kept putting it off for a special occasion. Tonight I felt like drinking it, and that was special occasion enough.

The beer poured like a thick, dark cola, forming a tan head about two fingers high. The nose was impressive, smelling strongly of caramel and coffee.

The mouthfeel was medium thick and creamy, with medium to low carbonation. The taste was very good, with some citrus, malt and coffee. A nice presence of hops and a pleasant aftertaste. Ten percent alcohol with 55 IBUs.

It’s a pretty heavy beer, so in terms of drinkability, you probably wouldn’t have more than one of these 22-ouncers in a single setting, but you’ll certainly enjoy that one. The 2010 scored a 92 on The Morris Scale.

One Response to “Jubel 2010 Once a Decade Ale Beer Review”

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