Beer Builds Better Bodies, Research Reveals

To paraphrase the milk ads, research has revealed that Beer Builds Better Bodies. A number of studies have found that small quantities of alcohol have health benefits, but it really didn’t matter whether it came from beer, wine or tequila. In this case, beer provides a benefit not found in other alcoholic beverages.

Researchers from the Department of Food Science & Technology at the University of California, have found beer is a rich source of silicon and may help prevent osteoporosis, as dietary silicon is a key ingredient for increasing bone mineral density. Researchers tested 100 commercial beers for silicon content and categorized the data according to beer style and source.

The study also found that the silicon in beer is in a form that is most readily used by the body. In that regard, lighter beers such as pilsners were the best, with stouts and wheat beers providing less of the useable silicon. Although it is still to be determined exactly how much silicon is optimum for health, the current estimate is that people should consume about 46 mg per day. Two or three beers will provide that amount.

Yes, you can also get silicon from fruit, vegetables and whole grains, but with this latest study I think we are getting even closer to the day that beer will take its rightful place on the food pyramid and kegerators will be sold at GNC. Now I need a study touting the benefits of cigars.

One Response to “Beer Builds Better Bodies, Research Reveals”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lance Anderson, Will DeLong, SexCigarsBooze, allbeernews, Michael Rister and others. Michael Rister said: RT @SexCigarsBooze: Research Reveals: Beer Builds Better Bodies » « Drink Beer for Strong Bones […]

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