Which Reminds Me . . . OC Beerfest is May 15!

Always drink responsibly.

Being Incompetent Has its Rewards

No doubt you’ve heard of Gray Powell, even if you don’t recognize the name. He’s the guy that allegedly left the super-secret iPhone prototype at a German beer garden in Redwood City, California. Making matters worse, he supposedly posted the following tweet right before leaving said item at the beer garden: “I underestimated how good […]

The Cigar Guys

The Cigar Guys – Tony Wilson and Alex Lukoff – put together a pretty smokin’ (pun intended) cigar gathering tonight at the Chateaux Restaurant and Lounge in Irvine, California.  Twenty bucks got attendees a cigar from a certain island, and a really good, diverse group of cigar smokers.  Tony and Alex host such gatherings every […]

Carlsberg Limits Beer Drinking at Work

I always cringe when I hear someone complaining how America should provide some new entitlement to its citizens, using the argument that some other industrialized country does it. [Cue the patriotic music.] This is America, damn it, and we should be taking our own path. In our first 200 years we put a man on […]